Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Everything Moped !!

Moped News:: Everything Moped

What began on April 1, 2003 with a humble shop in Kalamazoo, Michigan has turned into something greater than anyone had ever anticipated. Now all of our shops across the country reflect the unique qualities of the city you find them in – Kalamazoo, Chicago, Seattle, and San Francisco. There have been many moped enthusiasts who have made all these stores what they are today. We’ve grown because we love mopeds, you love mopeds, and as we all know, it’s rather contagious.

Within each retail location, as well as our online store, you can find mopeds, parts and accessories. Our retail stores offer service on vintage and new mopeds. We can work with you to build custom bikes from the ground up, and are always available for consultations. Everyone employed with our company owns a moped and has a great deal of experience on the road as well as on the shop floor.

1977 Mopedssf
San Francisco, California

Packing up their house and dogs, Kastner headed to San Francisco with his wife, leaving Turner to hold down the Midwest shops. Starting out with a warehouse for the online store, plans for a retail location quickly developed. The youngest of all the retail locations, 1977mopedsf opened July of 2008. Nestled in the heart of the Mission District of San Francisco, this location truly highlights how moped culture has grown and transformed throughout the resurgence of these 2-stroke vehicles we all love. The steep hills of SF can’t slow us down!

1977 Mopeds

Kalamazoo, Michigan

Once you ride a moped, you quickly find yourself obsessed. After riding a moped for the first time, Dan Kastner’s life quickly became engulfed with mopeds. After founding the Moped Army and the local branch The Decepticons with Simon King and Brennan Sang, there quickly became a need to get a hold of more mopeds and more parts. 1977mopeds, the flagship store opened in 2003, still holds it down in the small town of Kalamazoo, Michigan. Being quite the optimist, Dan opened this shop in an old building with four guys living in the back of the shop in a two-bedroom apartment. Things could only go up from here! In 2005 it was a huge leap to move to the current location on the Downtown Walking Mall in Kalamazoo. It was here where the online store was also launched. We consider this shop the roots of what is now the flourishing ‘77 family.

Seattle Mopeds

Seattle, Washington

With dreams to venture the company westward, Seattle Mopeds was a perfect fit for the Kalamazoo and Chicago retail locations. Opened in 2006 by Kevin Barrans, founder of the Mosquito Fleet branch of the Moped Army, Seattle Mopeds joined the ‘77 team in 2007. Residing in the Wallingford neighborhood of the Emerald City, Seattle Mopeds is a perfect and cheerful breath of fresh air in this city by the sea.

Warbux Mopeds

Chicago, Illinois

In 2005 Patrick Turner, a Kalamazoo native who moved to Chicago in 1998, became co-owner of 1977mopeds. Joining forces with Kastner, they together crafted big plans for a retail location in the Windy City. Turner already had such feats under his belt such as co-founding Peddy Cash, the Chicago branch of the Moped Army, and single-handedly inventing the Magnum Rigid. Creating the perfect shop for Chicago was the natural “next step” for Turner. You will find Milwaukee Avenue buzzing with custom, vintage, and new mopeds.

Moped Army

The Moped Army is the organizational end result of an outcropping of moped enthusiasts throughout the nation. Seeing it as more than just an easy and inexpensive way to get around town, members uphold the moped as a way of life. Although the advantages as a mode of transportation are many, a similar mind set is what brings us together. We see the moped as more than a means of travel, and truly believe in the lifestyle that accompanies riding one.
It’s all about the moped’s aesthetic, its marginalized status in our society, the friendly traveling, easy stop communication, and our ability to enjoy the trip, as well as the destination.
2-Stroke Power. Swarm and Destroy.


This is the category for all things Vespa and Kinetic. However, it should be noted that Vespa and Kinetic are two different companies with completely different mopeds. Kinetic mopeds are powered by Vespa moped "clone" motors, meaning they are different, but based off the same design. Many Vespa parts, performance and otherwise, will work fine on your Kinetic moped.

Source - Moped Army

Avanti Images Gallery
Hero Majestic- Images Gallery

The answer to the rapidly escalating fuel prices in the country came in the form of the Hero Majestic range of mopeds in the year 1978. Within a few years, Hero Majestic was a household name in the country, and by 1983, Majestic Auto Limited was the country's leading manufacturer of mopeds. Hero Majestic Mopeds have found great acceptance in the overseas markets, including countries in Africa, North & South America, Europe and the far & middle East and are homologated in Europe & USA.
To the existing range of five different mopeds viz. Hero Panther,Hero Panther 4S,Hero Gizmo,Hero Stallion 4S and Hero Ankur, Majestic Auto Limited is continuously working to upgrade their performances and to make them absolute environment friendly.

Hero Puch Gallery
TVS 50 XL Image

Saturday, November 7, 2009

LML Star 4 Stroke is being launched in Europe...

Source - Motoblog

LML Italia presenta in anteprima la Star 4T che verrà svelata al prossimo Eicma 2009 -Salone Internazionale del Motociclo di Milano la settimana prossima. Due le versioni per la STAR 4 Tempi, lo scooter che rivoluziona il mondo delle due ruote coniugando innovazione e tradizione, un 125 cc ed un 150 cc.

Il nuovo 4 Tempi, che affianca alla STAR 2 Tempi, si posiziona tra i veicoli più ecologici al mondo grazie alle basse emissioni inquinanti e ai ridotti consumi. STAR 4 Tempi percosse fino a 60 km con un litro di benzina.

Oltre al nuovo motore, LML Star 4 Tempi ha una nuova scocca/telaio che migliora la sicurezza ed il comfort consentendo di affrontare il traffico cittadino in modo più disinvolto e fluido. Lo stile retrò inconfondibile in contrapposizione alla modernità della sua nuova struttura, fa di STAR un veicolo unico e un oggetto di desiderio.

E’ stata infatti ideata un’inedita struttura in tubi di acciaio elettrosaldati che va a rafforzare la preesistente configurazione monoscocca, con miglioramento delle rigidità (700 volte superiore ad un classico telaio monoscocca), possibilità di alloggiare il motore in posizione più centrale, uso di un supporto motore dotato di silent-block come collegamento telaio/motore, potenza freno maggiorata e nuova taratura delle sospensioni.

La STAR ha un rivoluzionario motore 4 tempi monocilindrico orizzontale monoalbero con due valvole, un sistema di raffreddamento ad aria forzata ed un cambio manuale a 4 marce con avviamento elettronico e a pedale. Importanti le prestazioni due nuovi motori con una potenza massima di 6.75 Kw a 6250 giri per la variante 150cc e 5.84 Kw a 6000 giri per la variante 125. Entrambi sono Euro 3 a bassa emissione di CO2.

LML ha voluto dedicare una particolare attenzione all’eco-compatibilità. Con la nuova STAR 4 tempi, LML ha ridotto emissioni (STAR 125cc, CO = 1.66 gms/km – HC = 0.21 gms/km) e consumi con dati record (con un solo litro di benzina percorre fino 60 Km).

Da sempre LML dedica grande attenzione nella cura dei dettagli: la STAR 4 tempi è arricchita da un inedito mozzo anteriore a 5 razze, una presa d’aria ricavata nella scocca destra, una ruota di scorta, nuova strumentazione in doppia scala (Km e Mph) e una nuova sella rinnovata nello stile e nel comfort.

Ampia e variegata la nuova gamma colori per la versione 4 tempi; 3 le linee proposte che soddisfano i gusti e le personalità della propria clientela.

Fino al 31 Dicembre 2009, in Italia il prezzo lancio della STAR 4 tempi è: STAR 125cc - € 2.660,00 ( € 2.290,00 per il resto d’Europa, tasse escluse) F.C; STAR 150cc - € 2.860,00 ( € 2.380,00 per il resto d’Europa, tasse escluse) F.C. Inclusi due anni di garanzia e un anno di soccorso stradale.